Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine offer safe, natural, drug-free and effective ways to address the hormone imbalances that occur during a women’s life. Each individualized treatment is designed to restore harmony within your body systems and help you heal energetically and physiologically using the appropriate combination of:

  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal medicine
  • Nutrition

The practice of Chinese Medicine includes: acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, moxabustion, Tui Na massage, gua shaw, acupressure. It is a complete system of medicine that is over 3,000 years old that is still relevant today and has stood the test of time.

Acupuncture Service


A sterile, disposable, hair-thin needle is inserted almost painlessly into the acupuncture points along the meridian that is connected to the affected organ system.  The acupuncturist will make sure that you are comfortable, warm and relaxed during your treatment which will last 45-60 minutes depending on the individual.  Some women may need acupuncture weekly at the beginning of treatment and then as your health improves, treatments can go bi-monthly and then monthly.

Acupuncture helps you to connect the mind, body and spirit in a way that balances stress hormones that affect you physically and cause chronic conditions.  

Acupuncture can calm the stress response, bringing down cortisol, and help the body reconnect within the endocrine system, the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis) for improved hormone balance, energy and vitality. Whether you are working on your reproductive health or post-menopausal health, Chinese Medicine & acupuncture can support your endocrine system to allow your body to achieve balance, naturally.

Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Chinese Herbal Medicine

If Chinese herbal medicine is needed, a blend of 3-15 single herbs are combined into a synergistic formula that is always prescribed for a specific pattern of imbalance. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ herbal formulations. For example, if 2 women needed help for Premenstrual syndrome, they would not necessarily get the same formula because each will have their individual pattern combinations and would require a different formula for efficacy and harmony. Pattern differentiation combines tongue and pulse diagnosis along with the patient’s story, physical assessment and symptoms. This way of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis in conjunction with the proper herbal therapy assures that the patient will benefit from the treatment and will not have unwanted side effects.

In our office, we use herbal formulas made in the United States that are bottled in tablet or tincture form from herbal medicine companies that use GMP – good manufacturing practices- and are screened for impurities and proper potency.

5 Elements Theory Acupuncture

If you look at the 5-element chart, you can see how all the organ systems are inter-connected. This connectedness works in perfect harmony in health but can also can cause unwanted symptoms if there is imbalance or disease. This communication is critical for hormone balance during a women’s life and for your own vitality for life and especially critical during perimenopause and menopause.

There are many other imbalances that can occur in the body during perimenopause and menopause, and we look at these through the lens of Chinese Medicine in combination with Functional Medicine in our acupuncture offices in San Diego, California. The synergy of these holistic ways of looking at health help you to reach your health care goals by finding the source of your symptoms.