We all have that inner-voice inside our heads trying to stop us or sabotage our health and lifestyle changes. We hear things like “you are not smart enough” “you are not pretty or thin enough” and it tempts us go down that spiral of low-self esteem. Often we want to throw our hands up in defeat- reaching for that cookie or glass of wine.
How can we make a shift in that negative chatter? How can we begin to change the course of our health, future and successes?
Research has proven that meditation and counteracting the negative self-talk can make a big difference. Kristin Neff, PhD, author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to yourself, studied women who listened to self- compassion meditations for 3 weeks improved their body image and sense of self- worth. More impressive is that these women were tested 3 months later and these positive feelings toward themselves were still intact.
By silencing your inner critic, you will be able to have a more positive outlook on your body image and be happier overall. Self-compassion is rooted in Buddhist principles and teaches us to love and treat ourselves like we would treat a good friend or loved one.
When our inner dialogue is accepting and positive, we tend to take more time for good nutrition, exercise and treat ourselves with respect. Self-criticism holds us back from living the lives that we were meant to live, from achieving our goals and being truly happy and fulfilled.
Begin with writing a letter to yourself from the perspective of an imaginary friend – filled with understanding, love and acceptance. Treat yourself as you would treat an innocent child that requires a nurturing parent. Each time you find yourself in negative self-talk, gently reassure yourself in a non-judgmental way that nobody is perfect and you love yourself without conditions. Meditations daily, self-care and taking time for yourself can all be ways toward your own road to self-compassion.
You can only be you, so be your best self today!
- Nourish your body with healthy foods; nourish your soul with a spiritual practice
- Counteract negative thoughts about yourself with something positive
- Read, watch, talk about and do things that fill your soul…and do it daily
- Pamper your body with baths, massage, body scrub, pedicure – love yourself!
- Stop comparing yourself to other people
- Surround yourself with people who love you for you and help you to be your best self
- Acknowledge your special gifts and share them with the world! A smile, a song, words of comfort…